Seems like something extremely simple and basic, but in reality, this isn't always the easiest procedure. It's nice to have the knowledge of how to do it before actually going through with it. To start, I usually change my strings as soon as they start to sound off, or lose their shine. To prolong this, it's important to keep your guitars in the right atmosphere, and use string cleaner. Professionals will actually change their strings before every gig, while others I know follow the strict procedure of changing them every three months. Strings do after time wear out, so whatever practice you do follow, make sure you are changing them every so often.
There are different systems that strings are set up on. There's light strings, regular, studio, heavy, e.t.c. That just depends on what style of music you play the most. I've actually tried most of them, and certain ones are harder to maintain on the guitar, and there is actually a big sound difference and playability to them as well. Also take into account the different bridge systems for differing guitars. There's electric vs. acoustic (which isn't necessarily a different bridge system but does pose differences), Floyd Rose (terrible...), and many others.
In general, here are some tips on how to change guitar strings. First of all, go string by string. A common misconception is to take all of the strings off and then replace all of the strings. Instead, take one string off, replace it, and then continue. Start with the lowest E string, or 6E. Loosen the string by a few turns, and then cut the string close to the nut. Take out both ends of the string. Start near the bridge and attach the string, laying it all the way up to the tuner peg. Make sure you put it through so that the string is facing in towards the middle of the guitar. From there, bend the string around and start twisting to tighten it. Do one loop over top of the end sticking out, and then continue underneath. This makes sure the string doesn't slip. Once it is tight enough, cut the loose end off and continue with the rest of the strings. Make sure you tune right away after putting all the strings on.
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