Friday, 1 January 2016

Year Review/Preview

Sophomore year for Delayed Distortion and it was another successful one, with a slight increase in performance compared to last year. The blog was close to finishing out at 2000 views for 2015, compared to 700 in 2014.

The majority of my focus for the blog was once again on my monthly top ten lists, which had a great year due to the booming music industry. The insight generated through these monthly posts also helped paint a picture of the industry, which I found an extremely interesting and exciting venture throughout the year.

I was also happy to conquer more album reviews this year, and many from different genres. I hope to continue this, with more and more albums this year. A big goal for this upcoming year is drumming up reader response, which I hope to also include in regards to which albums I review.

I was fairly pleased with the work I did in regards to starting up the musical equipment expertise part of my blog. I hit up some key effect pedals, and this year I hope to have some interesting ideas up my sleeve to build up this aspect of the blog.

A goal from last year that I didn't end up touching on was musical news. I desperately think this is an area that I need to work on, and an area that will drastically help create interest in my blog. This will be my primary focus for 2016.

As I mentioned previously, another focus for the New Year will be on creating reader response. I want to hear what my readers want to see on the post, what they think of my content, and what direction they want this blog to take.

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