With Young Love released in August of 2011, Mat Kearney continues to bring his unique mixture of rock and hip hop to Christian mainstream music, while at the same time embarking on a journey into popular culture music charts. With a deluxe edition released in May of 2012, the album contains a wide range of tracks, from strictly acoustic to rejuvenated hip hop. The progression and evolution of Nashville artist Mat Kearney can really be seen in his fourth studio album, with Kearney's signature unique sound dominating a fun album filled with witty lyrics, meaningful singles, and an overall enjoyable CD to listen to. Tackling main issues from the culture of today, Kearney takes simple lyrics, and transforms them into instant classics. There is not a single weak link in this album, with each song driven to either make you cry, or laugh and dance. It's a surprise that this album only achieved mediocre success in both pop and Christian charts, with a multiple singles from the record having the potential to be top songs. I would definitely recommend Young Love to anyone, with certain singles catering to different listeners. Personally, I couldn't even name a favourite song, with each one being in my top played songs. This album is a hidden gem that needs to be given more attention, with Mat Kearney continuing his rise as one of Christianity's greatest musical artists.
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